Yep, I'm a bad blogger. I should have included that in my blurb about me. The summer has sped by and I've been a very busy reader. Have you? What have you read that you enjoyed the most? And why?
I've included upcoming books that are due out soon and this fall on the side bar. I can't wait. I'm already so excited I can hardly stand it. Of course I'll probably have my husband hide the books so I'll have something to do over Christmas break.
So I didn't read Insurgent over my vacation to Wyoming. I was too busy and having way too much fun. Once I crawl into the world of a book just leave me alone. I'll surface if I have to go to the bathroom or eat, usually with book in hand of course. I know it's a good book, when the book is finished that I find it hard to come back to reality because the world in the book has become my reality. Are you like that?
I did read Insurgent once I got back and it was good. Lots of new information of course. And a cliff hanger. I know they want you to read the next book, but sheesh. Always waiting. I believe I liked the first book better, but the second wasn't bad. I think the theme of choices is relevant even in the real world. Choices define the paths we take in life. We can make choices that will take us down roads that we wish we never would have gotten on in the first place. Choices are hard, life is hard. It's meant to be, so that our character is refined through the process. We find out who we really are when we make our choices. Are we morally weak or strong? Do we stand up for what's right or do we follow the crowd even if it's wrong?
If you wanted to do a parallel study read The Boy who Dared by Susan Campbell Bartoletti. Set during World War II Germany, it's loosely based on a young man's life. An amazing book even if you don't do a parallel study.
Happy Reading, Amanda
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