Thursday, June 7, 2012

Ray Bradbury

Like so many others who are probably remembering him on their blogs today I couldn't help but do a post on Ray Bradbury. Probably some of the first science fiction I ever read. I've always liked Bradbury. The first story I can truly remember reading of his is The Veldt. That left an impression on a very impressionable 7th grader. Virtual reality before there was even the word virtual reality. Such a forward thinking man of his time. The Jules Verne of our generation definitely. Of course there's all the martian stories and Mars. I loved Dandelion Wine though not in the science fiction department. And every time I see a very tatted up individual I can't help but think of The Illustrated Man. Who can ever forget Fahrenheit 451? Especially being a librarian, the thought of burning books is just too horrifying to think of and the oppression of knowledge through burning books. I can't help but parallel Hitler's book burning campaign to Fahrenheit 451. So if you wanted to do a compare/contrast lesson you could use The Book Thief by Markus Zusak.
Here's Mr. Bradbury's official site. For those of you who homeschool or teach English thought you might like this site for lesson ideas.
Thanks Ray Bradbury for all the stories. Thanks for awakening our imaginations and helping us to see into the future both near and far. As Mr. Electrico commanded you'll live forever in literature. 
Ray Douglas Bradbury  August 22, 1920 - June 5, 2012

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Alright, so I'm a bad librarian, starting another book before I finish the first one. But honestly I couldn't help myself. It's been sitting there on the shelf for over a month now and I've so wanted to read it. I'd heard it was good. So I crumpled as soon as the school bell rang releasing us for summer break. It was all I could do to control myself to wait this long. As the end of the school year approaches I start stock piling books for two reasons or maybe a few more. 1) The end of the school year is murder and there's absolutely no time to do anything remotely related to pleasure reading. 2) It's how I spend my summer every since I was a kid. Reading, reading, reading. Ok maybe I do a few other things. 3) I don't get another paycheck for quite awhile now. That's the down side of working for a school -- school's out -- no money. Sigh. Oh wait I'm supposed to tell what book I couldn't put down and couldn't wait to read. Drum roll.....
Divergent  by Veronica Roth. OMG it was over the top awesome and am I ever glad that the second book is out already. I've promised myself that I won't even go buy that one until we're on our way for our vacation. (Honey pull over at the nearest book store on our way out of town.) Ok maybe I'll have to go the day before so I don't get that look....

Of course (don't roll your eyes I saw you) it's set in the future in another dystopian society. I can't help myself. I'm cursed to forever read how mankind is going to rid itself of evil humankind and make the world a better place. I'm drawn to literature that makes me wonder what I would do. This book was so good and hooked me right from the beginning. I love a book that I can crawl into and lose myself in. The kind that makes you feel like you're actually there. My heart was pounding as she makes all those high climbs (yep that's my big fear and nightmare... so no wondering what my fear chamber would be.) Gulp I cried at how unfair some things were. So when the last chapter ended I felt like I had to pull myself back to reality, my time, my life. Yes sir, now that's a great book.
The author has a blog. Which you can find here and if you go here a nice summary by the author herself. I'll let her spell it out for you.
So chums happy reading. Ok I'm now going to go finish Legend. I'm almost there. I don't suppose anyone would like to come do the laundry now would you???? So I can read. Darn should never have let those slaves grow up and leave home. Oh sorry kids, I meant kids....